We live in a world where many audio issues and imperfections can be cleaned up by a piece of recording tech or software in post-production. So, you can record anywhere nowadays, right? Anywhere invariably being a cupboard with a duvet over your head.
All good right?
Well sort of…. except that Voiceover is really a performance. You’re paying someone to know what your script needs and deliver the necessary emphasis on certain words and phrases in the right tone of voice, so your project connects with your audience.
Performance requires focus and crucially, the right environment. Wouldn’t you rather your voiceover isn’t slightly distracted by the chance that next door’s cat might start a fight and provide backing vocals on the recording or that the duvet might fall off their head mid performance?
When I created my professional home studio, soundproofing was key. I had soundproof insulation built into the walls of the studio itself and my sound booth is half a tonne of double walled metal with a suspended floor to eliminate everything down to vibrations that cause floor noise.
It sounds a little excessive and it looks like a giant washing machine, but the result is that when I step into my booth I am fully confident that nothing will interrupt me or bleed onto my recording so I can simply relax and fully commit myself to the script.
So, who would you prefer as your voiceover artist? Duvet Dave or a professional in a cosy soundproof setup who’s fully focussed on delivering the best performance they can?
Here are some photos of my studio build, featuring the lovely Matt and Dave (non-duvet) who helped me move and install the giant washing machine booth!